We campaign for improved facilities for cyclists in the Swansea Bay area. We help get people on bikes by, eg, by providing easy rides for near beginners or returning cyclists; we also provide information about rides and other matters of interest to cyclists and their supporters. We are an umbrella organisation, separate from Cycling UK, Sustrans and other cycling groups, but whose activities we seek to both support and complement. NB: We are not Wheelwrights!
If you have comments on this website please pass them to me, David Naylor, phone: 01792 233755, or email: david@davidjnaylor.plus.com.
A bit about the navigation buttons:
About us states our aims, provides, a potted history and how we can be contacted.
Links gives some useful websites, provides links to local organisations and cycle shops.
Events provides information about organised rides and other events in chronological order, followed by details of the providers.
Campaigns describes our campaigning activities including various consultations.
Rides lists the providers of organised rides, provides information for cycle commuters and describes ride routes, mostly in the Swansea area but also further afield.
Routes shows existing and aspirational cycle routes on maps in and around Swansea, including those on the Actve Travel Network Map. It also covers outstanding issues relating to routes and provides plans for cycle infrastructure.
Newsletters provides links to our quarterly newsletters. (All the past issues are there.)
Notes provides links to the notes/minutes of Wheelrights meetings and Council meetings invovlving Wheelrights.
Sundry is for odds and ends including fault reporting. Also on this page you'll find wordC, the cyclists version of wordle.
Join us. This explains how to join Wheelrights: either by filling out a form and sending a cheque for your annual sub. or doing this electronically.